CEREC Primemill sets new standards for user-friendliness. New design and technical features make practice integration remarkably easy. CEREC Primemill sets new standards for speed, convenience, quality, and versatility.
Plus, delegate milling with complete peace of mind thanks to an interactive user interface that guides the operator step-by-step through the workflows.
CEREC Primemill, Dentsply Sirona’s new grinding and milling machine, ensures producing impressive restorations with precise margins and a very smooth surface which results from the high-speed-setup with two spindles and four motors. CEREC Primemill features a powerful 7-inch touch interface, an integrated camera for scanning blocks with compatible data matrix code and an RFID scanner for reading tool information.
What is new at Primemill? The features of the grinding and milling unit at a glance
- CEREC Primemill: wet-dry grinding and milling unit
- 7-inch touch interface.
- Superfast mode for zirconium oxide crowns.
- Block scanner and RFID tool reader for an easier and faster workflow.
- Complete range for a variety of indications up to a block size of 70 mm.
- Smoother surfaces for zirconium oxide restorations.
A combination of new electronics, software, motors, and mechanical components contributes to finer resolution and enhanced dynamics. This results in outstanding restoration margins and surface details – for extremely precise results.
The new highly accurate 0.5 mm milling tool reliably delivers first-class clinical results. Switch to Extra Fine milling mode for a higher level of detail with occlusal fissures and interdental areas on bridges.
Engineered for speed and precision, the new CEREC Primemill inherits the proven strength of its predecessor and raises its powerful performance to entirely new heights.
The result? Satisfied patients and high productivity.
The integrated block scanner is a time-saving new feature that automatically scans material blocks with compatible data matrix codes and records the information, including type, size, color and zirconia enlargement factor.This ensures all tools are performing at optimal levels.
Welcome to a world where you‘re spoiled for choice! The new CEREC Primemill combines wet and dry milling and wet grinding. No matter the indication, with CEREC Primemill you can select from a broad range of material options from validated partners providing the flexibility and predictability you need to offer patients the best possible treatment.
Choose from the full spectrum of machining options, including dry and wet milled zirconia, or wet grinding of glass and hybrid ceramics.
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